Professional & dedicated training programs
- DATE:14.08.2023 12:00 am
- LOCATION:DE, 76870 Kandel, Barthelsmühlring 24
- HOST:TeelTechnologies
- LANGUAGE:English
Why Come?
Join us and discover the vast amounts of data that can be recovered from automotive infotainment and navigation systems and learn how your findings can be applied to your case or investigation.

Who should attend?
- Digital Forensic Examiners, Automobile Theft Detectives, Crash Investigators
- Individuals and teams looking to learn the skills required to recover and analyze data from automobile navigation and infotainment systems
- Individuals and teams looking to gain the hands-on skills to remove chips from boards, as well as solder to perform ISP and other extraction methods
- Individuals and teams looking to get a better understanding of how to decode the proprietary file formats obtained from automobiles for analysis in Berla, X-ways and other digital forensic tools.
The course curriculum consists of:
- Instructor Lectures,
- Hands-On Demonstrations,
- and Practical Exercises.
Our goal is to maximize your experience by providing you with hands-on exercises that include:
- The removal of memory chips from circuit boards and performing the non-destructive In-System Programming (ISP) to recover data for decoding,
- Demonstrate Chip-Off data acquisition techniques for vehicles and systems that may have been damaged due to collision, fire, or water damage.
The intent of this course is to provide options to forensics examiners that go above and beyond the scope of the Berla iVe.
Course Topics Include:
- Overview of data stored in vehicles
- Common OEM and aftermarket navigation and infotainment systems, as well as electronic control units
- Flash memory and its characteristics, identification of flash memory, and researching support for data extractions
- Best practice methods and proper use of workbench gear and equipment to increase student proficiency
- ISP/ Direct eMMC as a non-destructive advanced data extraction method
- Chip Off as a destructive advanced data extraction method
- Various hardware and software including Berla iVe, Medusa Pro II, UP828P, ATOLA, PC-3000, and more
- Automated data decoding using Berla iVe, the industry standard for vehicle forensics
- Introduction of software applications to assist examiners with manual decoding of data for unsupported memory chips, file systems, files and unallocated data.
Students Receive:
• A collection of data decoding software.
• Teel Technologies Advanced Acquisition Vehicle Forensics Certification

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