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Digital Evidence Investigator

Digital Evidence Investigator® (DEI) is the #1 automated digital investigation forensic tool for collecting files and artifacts - with evidence presented in a timeline view.

  • Automated / Easy-to-Learn / Easy-to-Use
  • Rapid Artifact & File Collection
  • Out-of-the-Box Forensic Scans
  • Highly Configurable
  • Standalone Report Viewer (share with prosecutors!)
  • Can be deployed with Triage-Investigator®

Digital Evidence Investigator (DEI) is a new digital investigation tool built from the ground up that leverages ADF’s proven track record of reducing forensic backlogs. Now you can conduct digital investigations easier, faster and smarter.

Easily adapting to rapidly evolving digital forensic needs and circumstances, DEI is all about speed, scalability, ease-of-use, and relevant results. DEI is a fully automated and highly configurable artifact and file collection tool. Relevant social media, peer to peer file sharing, web browsing and email data can be quickly recovered along with many other file types. You can also minimize and eliminate the need for complex configurations, manually parsing files, or running multiple scripts.





Quickly identify and collect files and artifacts

Data analysis to correlate people, events and files

Easily and quickly generate court ready reports

For further information please contact us or visit